2013 State Direct Deposit/Paycard Laws

April 11, 2013

State laws usually require that employees voluntarily participate in direct deposit or paycard programs. States may also allow paycard vendors to charge em­ployees fees, beginning with the second transaction. The chart below summarizes the states’ direct deposit/paycard rules. “Mandatory” means that a state allows you to make e-payment a condition of employment, if you choose. States that don’t have laws aren’t included. In all cases, contact your state labor department for the full story.


Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: Voluntary; employees get 1 free withdrawal, pay statement

Paycards: May be mandatory; alternative to direct deposit; employees get free access to full pay; disclosure required



Direct Deposit: Voluntary; employees opt out in writing

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: Voluntary; employees pick in-state bank

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get 1 free transaction



Direct Deposit:  Voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay or may choose another payment method



Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay


District of Columbia

Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay; in-state bank



Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: Voluntary; disclosure required

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: No law


Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory for new hires; employees incur no bank charges; otherwise voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory; alternative pay method must be offered; disclosure required

Paycards: May be mandatory; alternative to direct deposit; employees get free access to full pay; disclosure required



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory; employees withdraw entire net pay without charge

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory; employees incur no fees

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay



Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; disclose fees



Direct Deposit: Voluntary; employee picks bank

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory; employees pick bank

Paycards: May be mandatory; alternative to direct deposit; employees get 1 free transaction



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory unless employees object in writing

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay; disclosure required; employers register with the state



Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay; disclosure required



Direct Deposit: Voluntary; employees get 1 free transaction, incur no fees

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay; disclosure required 


New Hampshire

Direct Deposit: Voluntary; employees incur no fees

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay; disclosure required


New Jersey

Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; employees consent in writing; get free access to full pay; disclosure required


New Mexico

Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: No law

New York

Direct Deposit: Voluntary; may be mandatory for exempts earning more than $900 a week

Paycards: Voluntary for nonexempts; employees get free access to full pay 


North Carolina

Direct Deposit: May be mandatory; employees choose bank

Paycards: May be mandatory; employees get free access to full pay; if voluntary, fees begin on 2nd withdrawal


North Dakota

Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; employees incur no fees



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory if employees pick bank, otherwise voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; employees incur no costs



Direct Deposit: Voluntary; employees incur no fees

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay



Direct Deposit: Voluntary; employees get record of deposits

Paycards: No law


Rhode Island

Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: No law


South Carolina

Direct Deposit: Voluntary; employees get 1 free withdrawal

Paycards: No law


South Dakota

Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: No law



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory; employees pick bank

Paycards: May be mandatory; alternative to direct deposit; employees get 1 free transaction; disclosure required



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory; employer gives 60 days’ notice

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory, if for preceding year employer deposited at least $250,000 in federal taxes and 2/3 of employees elect direct deposit

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get free access to full pay



Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; employees get 3 free transactions; disclosure required



Direct Deposit: Voluntary; employees incur no fees

Paycards: May be mandatory for amusement facility employees and all new hires



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory if employees incur no fees

Paycards: No law

West Virginia

Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: Voluntary; employees agree in writing 



Direct Deposit: May be mandatory, if in-state bank; employees incur no fees

Paycards: No law


Direct Deposit: Voluntary

Paycards: No law